Rod & Betty Detweiler
Rod and Betty have lived in Michigan since 1999 and are the parents of three grown children. Their daughter, Kristen, and her husband Aaron, are the parents of Noah, Lillian and Caleb. Rod and Betty also have two sons. Jason and his wife Mallory have Nash and Malia. Brian and his wife Kristen are the parents of Henry. Rod and Betty have been enjoying their “empty nest” since 2009.
Rod was saved as a teenager and has served in many capacities in the different churches they have been part of over the years. He met Betty when his dad moved from Iowa to Illinois to pastor the church Betty grew up in. Here at FFM, he has served in various roles such as; church council, administrative deacon, and a founding member of the financial counseling team. Since May of 2009 he has served on the eldership team and as Pastoral Support Staff since November 2009. Rod was director of Menno Haven Camp and Retreat Center in Illinois for over a decade before the Lord moved their family to Michigan.
Betty has a degree in nursing, but left that field and became full time food service manager at the camp they ministered at. Her love for cooking and baking is something she desires to pass on to young women inside the church, as well as outside of the FFM family. She enjoys people and the Lord has always seemed to place her in jobs that put her in downtown Sturgis. Betty has taught children’s Sunday school, worked in the church kitchen, and led Bible studies. She has a desire to minister to young women and new Christians. The Lord has brought her and Rod through many life changes since they were married in 1977 and they look forward to what He has yet in store for them.
As pastoral support staff Rod functions mainly as visitation and new member support staff. Rod tries to contact new families and see how the church can help them in any way as they get to know us as a family. As a Dave Ramsey certified Financial Coach, Rod also seeks to touch all our FFM families with Financial Coaching as needed and reach into the community as well. Through the teaching of FPU, Rod and Betty are now enjoying living life, debt free.