Doug & Nancy Schwartz
Doug and Nancy grew up and have lived most of their lives in Centreville. Their four children, Josh, Sarah, Jesse and Seth, were also born and raised here. Along the way they have added two daughter-in-laws, Kalene and Carly, and one son-in-law TC whom they cherish.
Nancy has worked at Centreville Schools since 2005 and Doug has been employed at Burr Oak Tool in Sturgis since 1986. They have been blessed with five grandchildren.
They helped plant Firm Foundation Ministries in October of 1996. Their desire has always been to serve and give back to the community they love. One way they do that is by leading our impactful VBS program since 2007. They love to encourage families and help set the captives free and help them learn to love and grow in the knowledge of Jesus. Their greatest desire is to be a part of the greatest revival the world has ever seen!
Doug & Nancy Schwartz, Elder